When Can You Start Using a Baby Carrier?

 There is no doubt that the baby carrier is the most convenient baby gear for every new parent. It allows you to hold your little one safely without exhausting yourself while providing babies the comfort and warmth of your body. But most parents have plenty of questions when it comes to using a baby carrier for their newborns. And we are here to answer all your concerns.

If you are wondering when is the right time to start using a baby carrier, keep on reading because this article will answer a lot of your concerns regarding the use of a baby carrier.

When is the right time to start using a baby carrier?

Technically, you can easily carry your newborn in a baby carrier. But you need to understand one thing before you start using a baby carrier. Newborns are very fragile and their neck muscles are unable to support their heads until they are at least four to five months old. So, if you have decided to carry your newborn around in a baby carrier and they aren’t yet 4 months old, make sure the carrier you choose provides enough support to hold your baby’s head steady. There are various types of baby carriers available in the market, but before purchasing, inquire whether what you are buying is appropriate for your baby’s age.

Most baby carriers designed for newborns are firm and rigid at the back to provide your little one with adequate support. While these carriers are practical, they can become somewhat uncomfortable for your baby due to their rigidness. Most experts suggest using wraps or sling carriers to hold the baby while she is still in the newborn stage. Slings and wraps are designed to give your babies maximum comfort while they cling on to you. Such carriers are typically made from soft fabric to provide your little one the warmth and comfort he deserves.

In short, you can start using a baby carrier from day one, but it’s best to opt for soft carriers like slings or wraps.

What is the maximum weight limit for baby carriers?

Well, the weight limit varies depending on the type of carrier you use. There are different types of carriers available in the market designed to hold your baby at different stages of their growth. Generally, babies weigh around 7 to 8 pounds when they are born, and most baby carriers are designed to bear a maximum of 40 pounds of weight. Babies typically reach 40 pounds when they are 3-4 years old. This means that typical baby carriers can easily support a child who is more than 3 years old. But most parents prefer to carry their little ones in a baby carrier until they are 2 years old because children learn to walk by that age and it becomes unnecessary to use a baby carrier.

What is important when you are carrying your newborn in a baby carrier?

Most babies just love being carried around in a baby carrier. Do you know that when babies are in the womb, they can hear the mother’s heartbeat and the rhythm of their movement? This is what keeps them calm and soothed. Being carried around in a sling or a wrap gives them a similar feeling of warmth and care.

Experts suggest that newborn babies younger than 4 months should be carried in an inward-facing position, meaning they should face the parents while being carried in a baby carrier. This position is also sometimes referred to as an ergonomic position. You should look for a baby carrier that has softer panels that allows you to hold the baby in a frog-like ‘m’ position with a c-shaped back. Your baby carrier should also provide enough head and neck support.  

When should you carry your baby facing outward?

It is not advisable to carry your baby facing outward until they are at least 5 months old. During the first 4-5 months, your baby will feel more comfortable being carried in an inward-facing position. Babies require a lot of head and neck support during their initial months. Therefore, carrying your baby facing inward will allow them to rest their head on your chest and feel more comfortable and relaxed.

When babies are around 6 months old, they develop stronger neck muscles which allow them to hold their heads steady without any support. They also become more active and start taking more interest in their surrounding environment. This is the right time for parents to start carrying their little one facing outward because now they can hold their head steady while exploring the world.

Is the baby carrier safe for my baby’s hips?

If babies are not placed properly inside the carrier, it can cause some serious damage to their hips. If their legs are left dangling for a prolonged period, it can lead to issues like dysplasia (hip abnormality). Therefore, you need to look for a baby carrier that provides proper support to the baby’s legs.

A good baby carrier always has straps placed in such a position that they provide enough support to the baby’s legs. This way, your baby’s hips don’t feel much pressure, making your little one feel comfortable and relaxed. In this type of carrier, legs instead of dangling are strapped around the parent’s leg, giving adequate support to the baby’s hips and back.

A Word from ACRABROS

ACRABROS is a trusted online store providing its customers with top-notch baby supplies. We have high-quality, parent-friendly baby products that are just right for your little ones. We have baby car seat covers, baby carriers, toddler nap mat, and countless other amazing items. Visit our website now and check out our smart products!